Sunday 20 September 2015

6 Ways to Speak English Fluently

Speak English Fluently

6 Ways to Speak English Fluently
 speak english fluently

English is the number one language in the world. Today, every person who wants to work or continue their education abroad require qualified English language. At least for use in communicating with others. English is one of the conditions commonly given to people who want to work or continue their education abroad. But unfortunately, not everyone can speak English fluently. Because of this, I try to give tips to be fluent in speaking English. Well, here it is 6 things you can do to be fluent in English.

1. Watching English Movies
Yes, everyone likes watching movies. So, why not use it as a medium of learning English? From now on, try to watch western films or films that use English as the language. When you watch the film, try not to use subtitles. Try to watch the same movie without subtitles, until you really understand the purpose and meaning of the words of the actor. You can start with a movie you've ever seen or you can start from a children's movie or cartoon. Because children's films using the English language that is easy to use and understand for new people. If you already understand the whole story of the film, then it's time to watch the next movie.

2. Listening to the English Songs
It's the same way as number 1, the second ways it is very easy to do. It's listening to English song. Today, there are a lot of English songs. Our jobs are just find the song and listening to that song. Then, try to follow the songs until you remembered the lyrics. Do it until you understand the meaning of the song. With often listen to English songs, your ears will start to get used to hearing English sentences.

3. Try to Speak in English
This is an important point, if you want to be fluent in English, you should try to speak in English. Try to speak English anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. You should consider if you live in an environment in which people can only speak English or you can find a friend that his English is better than you, and try to talk to him.

4. Write Everything in English
If you are still ashamed to write something with English? Now it's time to change it. Try to write in English. For example, try to write your activities in a single day using the English language. You can also send messages using English on your friend. Even by making status in the English language in social media you have. You could also try to use the English language when you search for something on the internet. In this way, of course, this will increase the ability of you in speaking and writing.

5. Read the Vocabulary
Learning vocabulary is important enough, because by knowing the meaning of the word, we will know the purpose of the talks. You can start by learning the vocabulary associated with everyday activities. Then can be added to the vocabulary of your activities in the office. And so on, until finally your vocabulary will grow by singularly.

6. Do Repeatedly 6 Ways Above
This last step is the most important step. Do all these things repeatedly. If you can do it, I am sure you will be able to speak English fluently.

 keep calm and speak english

So, thanks for reading my article about 6 ways to speak English fluently.
Hopefully help you.

And don't forget to smile every day :)

Saturday 19 September 2015

5 ways to shrink your belly

The beautiful belly is the shape you want to be owned by every woman and man. But the fact is, not everyone can have it. That there is even in the form of fat deposits that accumulate in your belly. Therefore, for those readers who want to have a beautiful belly, it's quite easy. By following five this way, I am sure you will have a beautiful belly. 

1. Drink some water
Drink plenty of water regularly has its own properties for the body. And when consumed properly, water can shrink the stomach naturally without side effects. This is because, in the human body, water is able to dilute the concentration of sodium in the body. But it can improve the performance of bile, so that bile can throw a variety of products that are not needed, such as bad fats.
2. Do some exercises
Capable of exercising regularly will increase the amount of sweat that comes out of the body. This sweat is one form of bad fat products which have been issued. A sport that can be done such as jogging. It could also walk when traveling to a place relatively close. The video below is one of the excercises that can be done to shrink your belly.

3. Maintaining a healthy diet
Keep your diet. Try to always eat three meals a day at the same time. Besides being able to shrink your belly, it can also prevent us from ulcer disease. In addition, try to reduce the snack. Because this snack is one factor that can make your stomach bloated.
4. Choose the type of food
The distended abdomen is usually caused by excessive consumption of carbohydrates. This excess carbohydrates that will keep the fat and sugar levels in the body increases, so as to create a distended abdomen. Therefore try to reduce foods that contain lots of carbohydrates. Can be replaced with foods that contain lots of protein and rich in vitamins, such as fruits and seeds.
5. Consumption of fibrous foods
The last way to shrink the stomach is by eating fibrous foods such as apples, bananas, avocados and vegetables. These foods proved effective in minimizing the stomach because facilitate the digestive process. These foods can also keep water levels in the body stay balanced and sufficient.

So try to follow this way on a regular basis 5. Surely your stomach will undergo changes. Thank you,  have been reading this article.

Hopefully can petrify you

Friday 18 September 2015

How many types of articles?

 How many types of article?

As in my previous article on "how to write a good article?” Now I will try to explain "how many does the kind of article?” Well, each article will be written to have different features and characteristics. This difference is usually dependent on the type of articles to be written, and the writing style of the author's own.
The following are the kinds of articles according to Mulyono is divided into 5 kinds:

1. Descriptive 
According to its title, this article gives new information about a problem that is happening somewhere. This article was made for readers to be aware of new information. Therefore, descriptive article contains no discussion or detail cause of the problem
2. An Explanatory 
This article aims to explain at once to discuss an issue based on multiple viewpoints. Especially the viewpoint of the author alone. This is done to give the reader a better understanding of the details of the problem
3. Persuasive 
The article aims to encourage, suggest, or persuade the reader to do or avoid anything associated with certain problems. The point of this article will help us in addressing a problem
4. Predictive 
As the name suggests, this article contains about the problems at the moment and try to predict what will happen in the future. This article usually also contains suggestions about how to deal with the problem
5. Explorative
This article reveals the facts that exist in the opinion of the author. This article is very suitable to write about the new discoveries, such as the discovery of ancient human fossils in Africa

Based on the description above, the article can be divided based on their contents. Hopefully writing about this can help you in understanding the types of articles.
Thank you

How do I write a good article?

 How do I write a good article?

The article is an article containing a story or something that aims to provide certain information. Because it contains certain information, then the article would normally be published in various media, such as newspapers, magazines, bulletins, or blogs. The long article generally ranges between 300 to 1000 words a way of writing depending on the type of articles to be written. Generally in writing articles, we must consider the following steps:

1. Theme
The theme is the main part of the article, so it should be made as specific as possible. The more specific theme created, the more it will attract the interest of the reader
2. Writing Purpose
In writing articles, we must know our main goal. Because many found articles that do not have a clear goal in the making, especially for the type of article description and narration.
3. The main idea or problem
In the event of problems this idea, tries to make the points that contain your ideas. Reviews these points will be easier for us in creating Articles. Otherwise, it remains focused on the problems that exist, so that the articles are made not to deviate from the path should
4. Develop themes
Of themes that you have made, try to develop it in accordance with the type of article you want to make
5. Conclusion
Try to make a conclusion on all the articles that you have made. This conclusion can reinforce your article. In making this conclusion is certainly easy enough, if you created an article properly and according to the groove.

So the steps used in making a good article.
Hopefully help you